Imagine this – you’re cruising down your favorite country road passing fields full of cows. There are Black cows, brown cows, big cows, little cows, purple cows…Wait…what ?

Your eyes must be playing tricks on you, but there it is – a purple cow in the middle of the herd. What do you do now? You stop, of course, and Take a selfie with the cow! Post it on your favorite social media pages! Call your friends and tell them about the remarkable sight you have just come upon!

The next thing you know they’re doing the same thing. When there is something remarkable we talk about it. Here’s the big question though – who’s talking about you and your shop?

You have:

A Remarkable team –  Check

Top of the line equipment – Check

5-star reputation – Check

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg – you know your competitors can’t touch your investment or expertise. However, in the average customer’s mind, repair shops are pretty similar. So what are you doing to let the customer know what is remarkable about you, your team, and your shop?

One of your missions as a shop owner should be to get above the day-to-day operations and define what sets you apart. Then get it out there for your customers to see and tell all their friends. Seth Godin, author of the best selling business book, “Purple Cow,” says “You are either a Purple Cow or you are not. You are either remarkable or invisible! Make your choice.”

You have the opportunity to be outstanding in your field. Don’t hesitate to celebrate what makes you exceptional.

I’m Vic Tarasik. Thanks for watching